Sunday, January 4, 2009

Zoe's Seizure Update

ok so the homeopathics and supplements are not going well primarily because I can't remember to give her all of the stuff. She's got drops, sprays, vitamins, oils and I am doing a horrible job at this whole thing. It's so frustrating and it's hard too because half the time Zoe doesn't want the metal detox spray because she can't eat for like 45 minutes and she has to take it on an empty stomache. I have tried all different times of day and even in the night. The best time has been as soon as she gets out of bed in the morning but now she knows she has to wait to eat so she fights me on it every time. With 4 kids I don't have much fight left in me. She also has to take fish oil and arctic cod liver oil. It tastes as good as it sounds, so needless to say she hates it. I've been pretty good about the homeopathic drops though I have forgotten the last few days and yesterday she had about a 15 second seizure and she dropped what she was holding and everything. That's the worst one she has had since this all started in Novemeber. I really need to get it together here.
We were reading about the ketogenic diet. Which has a huge success rate (like 100% who stick with it) and may be a viable option. However since I can't even do her supplement regimine how am I going to change her entire diet. Maybe now writing this and realizing what a lousy job I am doing will renew my commitment to doing a good job at this whole thing.


Fawn said...

There's lots of online support for families who have kids on the ketogenic diet. It's very hard at the beginning, but it's not hard to remember to do everything because, well, it revolves around meals -- you're not going to forget to feed your kid, right? :)

On Our List said...

We need to do something together with Jill. Its pathetic we all are stay at home moms and never see each other. I am making my blog private so email me with your email address and I will send you an invite.


Alicia said...

Keep trying and do what you can do! We all just want to see Zoe doing great, whatever ends up working out the best. I do think it is great that you are seeing what natural options you have. Let me know if you need anything!