Thursday, December 11, 2008

Oh Sad Wreath

Oh sad wreath I am sorry this day
So many hopes and dreams all gone away
Wendsth thou from the Christmas tree I picked
Your branches and sprigs to shape and to flip

I tied, I twisted, I turned, and I shaped
But nothing could change the thing I did make
For not enough branches I had to create
All I could do was accept my mistake

Then I thought oh what a great plan!
For I could embellish and make you look grand
With berries and leaves and red ribbon too
Still no hope I could make good for you

Oh sad wreath you hang in the hall
Although mis-shapen and not right at all
I tried oh I tried to make you look nice
A mistake I hope I will never make twice


Alicia said...

Oh my gosh! You are hilarious! Your wreath was CUTE, not half as sad as you make it out to be in your very creative poem! :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Michelle! Ashley (ferrell) Rogers here! Darling girls!

tracyjax said...

that is cute